Easy Klass - Phần mềm quản lý

by Thanh H. Chu



Klass is for ClassEasy Klass is central management software or any educational model in which a classroom is located. If you only have 1 class, or lots of classes and whether you call your facility a center, group class, or school, Easy Klass helps you handle work efficiently and easily.Easy Klass includes many features, complete for a small to medium education center. You can visit the website easyklass.com to see detailed features of Easy Klass, or search with the keyword "Easy Klass feature details" on Google.With Easy Klass, you can create a bonded circle where parents and teachers can interact with each other, exchange learning situations. Teachers can comment and score while parents know the exact status of their tuition fees.Your center will be operating in a very different way. On a fine day, when your classes are active, you open the software and see the numbers start to jump? The number of students attending school is increasing, some students are absent, with the reason below. A few other students were late. A few seconds later, you receive a notification when a student pays. With one or two other clicks, you know exactly how much money the employee is holding.You see, what you do is simply look. But not looking at the computer, Easy Klass experiences it all on the phone. You can still use the calculator if you like. Easy Klass is proud to be the only software that can let you use the application for the central owner on your phone.Youll love using Easy Klass, but not because its free for 300 students with attendance and tuition, but because of its user-friendly interface, intuitive and efficient yet easy-to-use. its use.Please take a few minutes to experience the software after signing up and get a 7-day trial. ❤️❤️❤️